Black Dog LED has been designing and manufacturing LED grow lights in Colorado for over 14 years. The company is known for designing reliable lights using its own LED spectra designed by growers.
Are Black Dog LED lights dimmable?
All Black Dog LED PhytoMAX-3 and PhytoMAX-4 grow lights are dimmable.

1500 watts, 3188 μmol/s output
Do Black Dog LED lights dim to off?
All dimmable Black Dog LED lights support dim to off, which allows the light to completely power down through the 0-10V interface. This eliminates the need for timers, relays, contactor panels, and switched circuits on the mains AC wiring, potentially saving a lot of money on installation. The GrowFlux Universal Dimmer includes enhanced support for dim to off when connected to many LED drivers, ensuring growers that lights are reliably turning off.
How to connect Black Dog LED lights to the GrowFlux Universal Dimmer
All Black Dog LED lights have a waterproof dimming connector on the fixture body. This connector can be mated to GrowFlux's Universal Dimmer by ordering the Black Dog LED pigtail cable (available from Black Dog LED) and wiring it to a GrowFlux Screw Terminal Adapter cable (part number GFX-DIMA-ST) to create a completely sealed adapter cable in minutes. Black Dog LED offers daisy chain cabling to interface the dimming signal to up to 50 lights.
The Black Dog LED pigtail cable contains two wires used for 0-10V dimming. These two wires interface to GrowFlux's 2-pin Screw Terminal Adapter cable as shown below:
How many Black Dog LED lights can I dim at once?
Up to 50 lights can be connected to one GrowFlux Universal Dimmer; connecting more than this number of lights may result in unpredictable behavior. The dimming signal can be daisy chained to multiple lights with Black Dog LED's dimming cables and tees.