
PAR to ePAR converter

PAR to ePAR converter

If you have a PAR meter like an Apogee MQ-500, your measurements will quantify the PAR within the wavelength range of 400-700nm. But if you want to convert these measurements...

PAR to ePAR converter

If you have a PAR meter like an Apogee MQ-500, your measurements will quantify the PAR within the wavelength range of 400-700nm. But if you want to convert these measurements...

RJ style connectors for dimming grow lights

RJ style connectors for dimming grow lights

Introduction Many legacy HPS lights, older LED grow lights, and even some of the latest non-waterproof LED lights from top brands use Registered Jack (RJ) style connectors for 0-10V dimming...

RJ style connectors for dimming grow lights

Introduction Many legacy HPS lights, older LED grow lights, and even some of the latest non-waterproof LED lights from top brands use Registered Jack (RJ) style connectors for 0-10V dimming...

Dim-to-off on horticultural lights

Dim-to-off on horticultural lights

Introduction LED grow lights most often utilize a 0-10V analog wiring interface to receive dimming signals from lighting controls. These dimming interfaces are built into the LED driver (pictured below)...

Dim-to-off on horticultural lights

Introduction LED grow lights most often utilize a 0-10V analog wiring interface to receive dimming signals from lighting controls. These dimming interfaces are built into the LED driver (pictured below)...